So... I just got back into posting blogs a couple of weeks ago after returning from a 10 day Hawaiian vacation. In my excitement to go back, I noticed while reading my own blog, that I had little "Google ads" on the side of my blog with links to places in Hawaii and other vacation destinations. I figured - Hey - I'm ready to start planning my next trip! Why not click and see what deals there are?!? Well... I guess that violates Google's AdSense terms of service. You are not allowed to click on your own ads on your own blog or website. Without any warning, I received a notification from Google that my AdSense account is suspended. What? After ready why - invalid clicks, I realized I had violated their terms of service.
I explained myself in my appeals form, so hopefully I'll get it back. Not like I have a ton of traffic to my site or anything, but I thought it would be a nice little chunk of spending money... Oh well - time will only tell if my appeal is accepted...
Oh - and if you are reading this, my dear friends at Google - please accept my sincere apology. I know I have read the TOS in the past, but this was an honest mistake!!! Thanks!!!
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